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FlunettalkAI is an AI language tutor that helps users master a new language effortlessly with AI. It’s a difficult and time-consuming task to provide personalized learning to students and individuals worldwide. FluenttalkAI addresses this challenge faced by students by designing a platform that would provide personalized language teaching to make language acquisition easy and enjoyable for every individual worldwide. 

The idea of the app was to provide an AI language teacher who would serve as a personal guide for candidates with whom users can have engaging immersive conversations and learn different languages either by reading, writing, or speaking to break down language barriers and make rapid progress towards speaking fluency.

Fluenttalk AI Tezeract

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Fluenttalk AI Tezeract

The Key System Features

Smart Avatars

Choose from 10+ Smart Avatars to have immersive conversations that cater to your needs real-life scenarios.

Pronunciation Analysis

Get real-time pronunciation analysis of your words, or sounds and refine it according to the language accent.

Real-Time Grammar Insights

Get instant feedback on your grammar, and vocabulary as you speak and write.

Multilingual Question Handling

Pose questions in your mother tongue regarding your target language—perfect for those just starting out.

Instant Translations

Easily translate a word or phrase that you are curious about in any language you want.

The AI language tutor Helps

Learn any of the
22 languages that Univerbal

Practice speaking anytime, anywhere
on any topic no matter what.

Immerse into fun, professional, or lifelike
situations to boost your language skills.

Receive personalized feedback
to boost your language mastery.

Sharpen your Language-speaking Skills
through real-life conversation scenarios.

Practice your pronunciation as much
as you like in any language.


FluentTalkAI is an innovative AI language tutor crafted to empower students to master new languages effortlessly, anytime, and anywhere, tailored to their learning levels. Leveraging advanced natural language processing and speech recognition techniques, this platform offers a comprehensive suite of features aimed at facilitating effective language acquisition.


At its core, FluentTalkAI offers and personalized learning environment through an AI avatar, ensuring engaging and immersive conversations. Additionally, it includes an AI translator for seamless language translation and a pronunciation assessment tool for providing valuable feedback on students’ pronunciation skills.

Fluenttalk AI Tezeract
Fluenttalk AI Tezeract

The platform comprises two distinct interfaces: an admin panel for user monitoring and a student panel for interactive learning sessions. With full flexibility in communication methods—be it voice, text, or roleplay scenarios—users can tailor their learning experience to suit their preferences.


FluentTalkAI supports learning across more than 21 languages, including popular options like German, Spanish, and English. Serving as a virtual language guide, it enables users to converse, translate, and practice pronunciation efficiently, automating up to 87% of manual learning processes and potentially saving users up to 80% of their time.